Awarded for Advanced Colour Prints for the Member gaining most points in 3 Annual Competitions.
Advanced Mono Print's - Awarded to the runner-up in the 3 Annual Competitions.
Awarded for Advanced Mono Prints to the Member gaining most points in the 3 Annual Competitions.
Awarded for Standard Mono PDI to the member gaining the most points in the 3 annual Competitions
Awarded for Advanced Colour Prints to the Runner up in the 3 Annual Competitions
Awarded for Beginner Colour Prints to the Member gaining most points in the 3 Annual Competitions.
Awarded for Beginner Colour Prints to the Runner up in the 3 Annual Competitions
Awarded for Beginner Colour PDI to the member gaining the most points in the 3 Annual Competitions
Awarded for Mono Print of Year to the Member gaining 1st place in the Print Of The Year (POTY) Competition.
Awarded for Colour Print of Year to the Member gaining 1st place in Pint Of The Year (POTY) Competition.
Awarded for Colour Print of Year to the Member gaining 1st place in the Colour Print Of The Year (POTY) Competition.
Awarded for Consistent Performance to the Member showing consistent performance who did not win any other trophy that season.
Awarded to the member showing consistent performance who did not win any other trophy that season.
Awarded for the internally judged Members PDI Competition to the Member gaining the most points.
Advanced Mono PDI's - Awarded to the member gaining the most points in the 3 Annual Competitions.
Awarded for Beginner Mono Prints to the Member gaining most points in the 3 Annual Competitions.
Awarded for Beginner Mono Prints to the Runner up in the 3 annual Competitions
Awarded for Advanced Colour PDI to the member gaining the most points in the 3 Annual Competitions