Awarded for Advanced Colour Prints for the Member gaining most points in 3 Annual Competitions.
Competition Level: Advanced Competition Type: Colour - Print
Advanced Mono Print's - Awarded to the runner-up in the 3 Annual Competitions.
Competition Level: Advanced Competition Type: Mono - Print
Awarded for Advanced Mono Prints to the Member gaining most points in the 3 Annual Competitions.
Awarded for Standard Mono PDI to the member gaining the most points in the 3 annual Competitions
Competition Level: Standard Competition Type: Mono - PDI
Awarded for Advanced Colour Prints to the Runner up in the 3 Annual Competitions
Awarded for Beginner Colour Prints to the Member gaining most points in the 3 Annual Competitions.
Competition Level: Standard Competition Type: Colour - Print
Awarded for Beginner Colour Prints to the Runner up in the 3 Annual Competitions
Awarded for Beginner Colour PDI to the member gaining the most points in the 3 Annual Competitions
Competition Level: Standard Competition Type: Colour - PDI
Awarded for Mono Print of Year to the Member gaining 1st place in the Print Of The Year (POTY) Competition.
Competition Level: Open Competition Type: Mono - Print
Awarded for Colour Print of Year to the Member gaining 1st place in Pint Of The Year (POTY) Competition.
Competition Level: Open Competition Type: Colour - Print
Awarded for Consistent Performance to the Member showing consistent performance who did not win any other trophy that season.
Competition Level: Open Competition Type: Colour - Mono - PDI - Print
Awarded for the internally judged Members PDI Competition to the Member gaining the most points.
Competition Level: Open Competition Type: Colour - Mono - PDI
Advanced Mono PDI's - Awarded to the member gaining the most points in the 3 Annual Competitions.
Competition Level: Advanced Competition Type: Mono - PDI
Awarded for Beginner Mono Prints to the Member gaining most points in the 3 Annual Competitions.
Competition Level: Standard Competition Type: Mono - Print
Awarded for Beginner Mono Prints to the Runner up in the 3 annual Competitions
Awarded for Advanced Colour PDI to the member gaining the most points in the 3 Annual Competitions
Competition Level: Advanced Competition Type: Colour - PDI